Image left: Announcement of the 1925 Paris World Exhibition.
The name Art Deco is taken from the world exhibition "Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes" which took place in Paris in 1925 (image left). In a sense, Art Deco can be seen as a response to the floral expressions of Art Nouveau. In Art Deco, the design is stylized, a tight line formation and a pronounced color scheme determine the character of the objects. Some objects are reminiscent of ancient Egypt, a result of the enormous interest in Egyptian culture that arose after the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922. Native African art and Cubism also left an emphatic mark on the design. From now on, all shapes were depicted geometrically (angular). People, animals and flowers were simpler and sharper outlined. The Art Deco was extremely popular in the 1920s and 1930s and is considered the first truly modern style of the 20th century. Particularly during the "Roaring Twenties" (the turbulent twenties), renewed optimism reigned after the horrors of the First World War that lasted from 1914 to 1918. It was the era when jazz music and the film industry emerged. Women began to emancipate and there was great fascination for everything related to travel and the dynamics that go with it. Art Deco designers were inspired by these new developments and incorporated their impressions in architecture, posters, vases, furniture, sculptures and other decorative works of art.